I went Ct. in e morning with teresa for the techers dat celebration.Brought our cakes we BAked last nite n gave sum teachers as their presents..Yeap...It was a great Success...Had no complaints of tummy acHe So far frm that..So..Shl Be fine la..lol..Meet up with Alot of mY Juniors..Its So nice Seeing them..LurvE thEm..Finally mEet up with e rest of my Mates..n chat with the teaChers...It's jus so warm n ..Dat fuzzy fEelin..dat ...I wan tis to carry on forever..~Sum of the wondeful Pics i took...!!!~
Best Bud's....
Youngest mei ive got..~
Omg..I lurve tis pic...So...ColourfuL~
Happy BDae Vannn!!!~~
Happy family!!~
Well..Dats nt the end of My wonderful Dae..We Rock toWn after tis Event..It's So Great dat the guys are recovered frm their...So call.."Sickness" ..lol..Went Shoppin a while n we went fer dinner..guess was..we ate PastamAnIa Lehhh!!!~~ haha...Isna readin tis will..PENGz!!~ Decided to Watch the movie.."Herbie" Its So CuTe!!!~~Jus sO nice..But i wanna watch LAnd of the Dead!!!!! Well...i Guess...Pics tells a thousand story Huh~~So...ACTION!!!!~~
Linsay lohan: "PlZ dun Kiss My BUtt"!!~
We Lurve Herbie..!!!!~~
The End..........Lurve u Guys..!!~
Had My Ocom presentation Done..the last topic was the most difficult...But after all..i tink ive done My Best...I kinda..Enjoy presenting..Hee...Any Way...Take a look at the Bright future succesers in Singapore...